17 Jun

The world is fond of boasting about what it doesn't have! 80% of the cecular music is called love songs but these so called love songs are sang by the divorced, unmarried, play boys and the people with the worst love lives! 🤔"You are not qualified to teach others if you yourself you don't pass the teachers test."
The media is flooding with so many things and words which we call wisdom but when you explore and maditate on these things, you don't find any grain of wisdom in them.
One of the world's best philosopher Socrates was challenged by a woman who taught him the useful lesson we don't understand today.She told him that between wisdom and ignorance, there's a slight distance in between there and that's where so many minds belong.
I can't conclude that everyone is ignorant in the world and I can't rush to say that everyone is wise:But most of us we stand in between there."wisdom speaks for herself and she's reveals herself in the ways of light.
If you don't understand this, you can easily call craftness what he's not. And the greatest problem is that everyone standing in front, has got so many souls in his back.
It's really unfair to corrupt these souls with our natural sayings and not give to them the word of God, the word of truth wherein true wisdom and enlightenment is found.
Everyone who's in the spot light today, has a platform to speak to the world and the world which is standing in the middle will obey and listen to everything.But today let's all of us listen to our maker then the true light will shine on us.
There so many empty boasts of the world about wisdom but it should be known today that's wisdom is in the fear of the Lord.
There so many boats about wealth, status and success in the world today but the saying is :"It's true that who ever dies with the most toys win but if he loses his soul, he has lost the game in the end."
There so many boasts about enlightenment but it's the truth that the mind void of the word of God, it is a dark horrible pit.It's the portal of the ghosts in the universe, so there can't be light in that dark room.
There's so many boasts about the nuclear and military powers in the world but the true power is the power of nature because all things are extracted from the natural world.Therefore the glory belongs to God.
Jeremiah:9.23 This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches,
Jeremiah:9.24 but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD.
Therefore; ladies and gentlemen.Now is the time and today is the day for receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. Because he's the true light, wisdom and power wherefore it says ;
John:8.12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
Let's not boast in our darkness because the brighter light shines and all whose minds can see, sees the reality.
Apostle Nsibambi Asuman. +256701223114.


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