22 Jul

"OH MY THINGS, MY THINGS."These were the last words of my neighbor on the planet earth. He's been a rich and great man, he built houses, bought lands, started so many businesses. He had so many assets, so many cars ,the best insurance, sons, daughters, wives and gadgets.He spent all his days hunting for these things and certainly he got up with them.He planned for his body but he forgot his soul, he had a funeral insurance,he paid himself a rich burial but he minded not about his inner man and his eternal destiny because he was one of those who says that there is no God.
The things he chased for all his days were soon to be left behind. Even though that is not what he wanted,it had to be because death is not under human consent.There in the room with us; He knew his days were over on earth.He knew he had no good place in eternity, he recollected about the things he had hustled to gather through the right and wrong.In his last breath, he went calling for his things. Suprisingly none of his things was answering him even his poor dog would not hearken to a departing master even though he had always had a saying; Money talks.
This teaches us that material things are not answerable to the our spirit life. And our success on earth is not the guarantee for our eternal destiny.The offices,classes, trophies and the meddles we have won,they can't answer to our spiritual life.
Nothing can save us from hell and nothing in the material world can take us to heaven.
After his death, his brothers and family were fighting for his things and they were saying; These are our things.This also teaches us that no one owns any thing and the things we call ours,they ain't ours because we will leave them here and someone will call them my things too.
True, the favourite dream of men is called "MY." My car, wife, child, school, mother and my country, husband and to everything next to us we say my; but it is all a illusion.Yet the true reality of men is "NOT MINE".And every person that has walked a mile towards the truth,can testify that this is true.Nothing is ours here even life itself and so we should be true and honesty with whatever is put in our hands and we should never be blinded by any mountain of any form of a lie not to believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior.If we can't save our souls from the perils of this earthly life. We are doctors but we live in sicknesses. We are soldiers but we live in weakness and we are Saints yet we walk in sin.But there is a great hope for us like the hope David found.
Psalms 23:3-4[3]He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.[4]Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
That's the hope of David having God by his side. Even when our things and families shall be left behind, though we will have to leave these bodies, we know that we shall have comfort in the hope of resurrection effected by Jesus Christ.The only way we can get into this grace is by believing in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.ONLY THE POOR SOULS WILL HAUNT AND CRY FOR THE THINGS THEY HAVE TO LEAVE BEHIND.BUT if you have Jesus Christ in your life you have something more expensive than a valley filled with gold, that is the redemption of your soul to heaven where true things that never fade, go or rust are stored up.OH THESE THINGS, THESE THINGS!!! 

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