About Us
About Us 

The Apostolic world Gospel Mission:
Is a Christian Apostolic and Evangelism movement.
Founded in 2023 by the dynamic Uganda gospel preacher, revivalist, writer and prayer leader by the names of Apostle Asuman Nsibambi.
Aiming at joining men and women whose hearts and lives have been touched by the power and the love of God and now their desire is spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Inspired by God's love and grace to all men, we seek to win all men to Christ by every window of opportunity.
Through social media platforms, internet, Radio and TV ministry:
Community, Hospitals, Prisons and school ministry outreaches.
Working together with some other different organizations and Ministries like Miracle City Church Kawanda , we are organising Evangelistic and revival meetings, crusades and publication ministry.

So, now speaking, the APGM or The Apostolic World Gospel Mission, has maintained its progress with the thousands of souls won for Christ.
And yet the harvest is still plenty and the labourers are still few:
Join and support us in every way possible and your reward will always be great before the Lord.