06 Jun

 "It's true that we are dead;we need to see God to live again!" - Apostle Nsibambi Asuman

It was such a beautiful evening, I was seated in my house and I was having an online discussion with an atheist friend who I won to Christ by this truth!
This man was not the first atheist to encounter with but through my observation, I recognized one issue which identifies them as the atheists;that's the lack of the evidence for the reality and the existence of God in religion.

And Christians we have done so much and well to tell them about what God did, does and what he's going to them in hell, for them if they believe and how much he loves them!They will always insist:Before that, try to give me proof that God is real as I can give you all the scientific evidence about all the material world.

In the end, the Christian will always reach to the end of their thinking and lose the debate and some will tend to misbehave or to curse because they can no longer push beyond our theology.
But is there any evidence for the existence of God really?Yes of course, both science, philosophy and atheism or intellectualism is going to give us the evidence today.

Romans 1:19-20[19]since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.[20]For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Christians we believe in God based on what we see and believe that he has made. How do we know? We know by the testimony of God which is his incorruptible word;we see that God has given us the infallible order and account of all the creation and it seems to come with the evidence because science has helped us to discover and to prove that it's all true.

Also;since our eyes were too dim to capture the light of the revelation of God in the nature and all that he had made, and our consciences were too dead due to the too much transaction of information with this natural world, it became too hard for us to believe in him just by the faith principle:Further more, God is relational. We couldn't relate with him on the soul level because we were so dead in the sin and our minds were naturally programmed by our ancestors to believe in the different things like them, gods, nature, the natural wonders and the fairy tales and the fables of the old.

We couldn't ascend to his level in order to relate with him or to secure a transaction or the communication with him, he lowered himself to our level and he appeared to us in the form of a man. So that he can deal with us in the same order and class of beings so that we can understand his language and articulate his revelation for our souls sake:

Once upon a time on the earth, there came a man who carries no earthly descent and character. This man walked upon this world and this man is the perfect revelation of God to the entire humanity. Millions of books have been written about him:Songs sung about him, Religions built upon him, Movies Stories History Buildings Satues... Etc 

This man is called Jesus Christ and let's go on us we fathom to know him better by scripture.
Hebrews 1:1-4[1]In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways,[2]but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.[3]The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.[4]So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.

In the diversity of manners, God taught and interacted with humanity at the different times until he appeared himself in the ordinary.

So that we can see him and live again out of the great sleep of the death of our consciousness of him! Now that by believing in Jesus Christ, we attain a resurrection which is the awakening of our souls into the spiritual life, purpose and function.This is a wonderful experience called the new birth! 

By being born again, we become children of God so that we are able to relate with God in the intimate relationship.

In Christianity we believe that Jesus is 100 % God and he's the evidence of God to us whether you believe it or not;it doesn't matter, but it's yet the truth.

How true is it? It's true because it's written in the word of God the Bible. And the Bible can not be a lie because what it says it comes to pass just in the exact manner, time and days.
Jesus Christ was prophesied 6000 years before his birth! 

Genesis 3:14-15[14]So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, “Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.

Jesus was the seed of the woman because he was born by a woman without a man.

He was prophesied 700 years before his birth:Isaiah 

7:14[14]Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.

And all through scripture you can see Jesus prophesied and we know that all things came to pass exactly as in the accordance to the word of God:
So, Jesus is the evidence and absolute revelation of the person of the invisible God and both science and faith agree that Jesus is real.


The intellectuals, they have never denied the existence of God or the gods but they don't want to do with them because they are a bit confusing to the intellect! 

Due to the rise of poetry, films, novals, fables and all manners of stories and tales, an intellectual mind seems too busy for the things of God because so much has been written and has been believed to be God by man:

So it's hard for the minds of people to find the truth, to select the living God among the thousands yet the Scriptures say:

John 17:3[3]Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
The gods and the true God: 

The moment we find the living God, we find life and eternity that's why the pursuit should never end. 

The pursuit for the search of God can never end and all our lives we live with that burden of finding the hidden man behind the scenes of all reality.
So many intellectual minds has successfully been able to create their own ideas and God characters.

 Philosophers and the the ancient religions, they created their own gods instead of looking for one they can never find!

Talk about the Greek mythology and all the available myths! The pen men has given us the sweetest creatures of their imagination in order to satisfy our need for a God.

 But all in the end, it's an absolute emptiness, it doesn't satisfy, we continue with the search.


Religion in the wider sense, is a group of people uniting together to study, serve,worship fear and believe in the same a God(supposedly) .

United by the belief systems and litriture, religious people are able to walk in harmony as they follow the imaginations of their leaders. 

The Eastern religions and all the religions, they are inspired by those people who are believed to be close to God or the gods and those men serves as the mediators between men and gods. Prophets of gods, ascended masters or ones with the highest level of enlightment so as to posses the truth. 

By this tool they promote goodness and character among people. They give hope to people and comfort in the times of need.

There housands of religions and their pursuit is to get enlightment,eternity, goodly living, children discipline and as well as other bad selfish ambitions. Desire for power, control, manipulation and ofted captivation.

All this is empty too, so we continue searching.


Above all the amazing minds we have explored above, there's yet another radical group of people and it's who we are addressing today;Atheists!

These are the bunch of people who are most confused and confusing in the world.They are believers but they never agree that they do.They say they don't believe there's a God but they can never spend a day without talking about God!

They are a group of people whose faith is completely buried in nature and the universe and it can take a Christian anything than to convince them that there's a God somewhere.
They will always demand for a scientific evidence to establish a spiritual fact and they need everything to be presented with the material evidence.

It can take person everything in order to make them believe in what they can't relate with with their natural senses.
But it of course costs nonthig for a man of the Spirit to open their eyes to the truth.


We all know that we have two types of realities, don't we?Of course we do!

1.The Concrete reality:

It's this earthly or universal reality which we are able to experience with our body and our senses. 

2.The abstract reality: 

These are the things which are real but they are not manifest and tangible in this natural world. 





🍎Feelings... etc 

The fact that we can't see or express these things materialistically, it doesn't nullify their existence and importance to us because these are the things which sustains our lives in the flesh.

When the atheists wanted me to give them the material evidence of God:I pointed out nature to them, they denied it because I can't prove that God created nature.

So I asked them, do you have dreams when you sleep? They gladly said yes. I said no, you never have dreams, you don't. They said dude, what's wrong with you? We really have dreams. I said OK, show me your dreams you have.
Their faces turned red and they got wroth, I said boys, don't get mad but show me the dreams you have.
They said no one can do that, I said I think science can:They said no, it can't. I asked them why? 

Because science can't see those dreams! I said does that mean that dreams are not real, they said no, it just can't get in the realms the of dreams to see them.

What if it could see them, would it agree that they were real? They said yes, then I asked them:Whose problem is it now? Is the problem with the sciences inabilities to see in the consciousnesses of men or it's with the dreams?
Is it because you didn't dream, your dreams were not real or that science is the one with the problem? It can't see your dreams you had yesterday so it tells you that they were not real.

Would you believe it? Of course not, they said and I said;in the same way, so does your scientific minds can't explain or see the evidence of the existence of God. 

Dreams are not materialistic in our natural world but they are part of each one of us but the fact that you can't manifest them in the natural doesn't mean that they are not real.

But You can see them if you reproduce them and their images in the material worlds. So, God is a spirit and his substance is like that of a dream! You may not see him or touch him but he's more real than you think. But in order to make himself known to us, he manifested himself to us in the world through his Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is the earthly, or material image of God.

Colossians 1:15-19[15]The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.[16]For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.[17]He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.[18]And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.[19]For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him,

So, it's clear that Jesus Christ is the evidence and do it's up to you to believe in him or to reject him.
The goal of God in manifesting himself was to restore us to our true frequency so that we can know, hear, love, serve and relate with us because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

Colossians 1:22[22]But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation—

And Jesus is able to wash you from your sins and perfect you if you put your faith in him. God bless you.

Apostle Nsibambi Asuman Uganda East Africa. grataecta@gmail.com +256701223114-WhatsApp Contact us for more information or if you need to recieve Jesus as your and Savior.

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