31 May

Who's true? 

There's something Muslims you don't know about the Bible because you are in love your culture, your kindred and because you take the things of God the human way.Because you want to make a name for your ancestors like Ishemeal.The things of God don't go that way, they just happen his way and we follow them by faith even when we don't understand.
The Bible is the word of God because it distinctively shows us the voice of God in the three ways:
1.The voice of purpose;when God created us, he has purpose upon all of us and he created Adam, he spoke in his life and told him what he should do and not.And the same voice goes on in the Bible as God warns people to do and not to do.

2.The voice of judgment; whenever people rejected the first voice of God, God sent the prophets and the circumstances and the situations like famine and plague as means of communication to people so that they can change their ways and come back to God and worship him.And whenever people disobeyed because of the sinful nature, God would kill or abandon them in the hands of their enemies and tormenters.This is visible through all the voices of the prophets but still that would not change us because our hearts were naturally evil and we were slaves to sin and spiritual inactivity.

3.The voice of Grace and mercy;This is God's ultimate voice because after all was said and done, God started to send the prophets as they started to prophecy about those days in which our sins will be forgiven and removed by the sacrifice of one man who wasn't yet born.He's Jesus Christ his own Son.
This is the final distinction or revelation of the voice of God in the entire Bible and its testimony is sealed.

When you know and understand these things, you can know when God speaks or another spirit from another world speaks!Satan doesn't speak the revelation of God because, The revelation of God carries God's devine plan upon the entire humanity:But Satan distorts, mixes and defiles the truth to avoid submission but to create deviation.
So, we can not be deceived, we are in the days of the last days where God's finally revelation is already revealed in Christ and the message of grace of God and the forgiveness of our sins by God's own initiative is being preached.
Indeed the false prophets will deceive many but Christians don't listen to the familiar spirits.


Any man that God used mightily to be able to set forth a certain truth and revelation, was revealed by the signs, process of conscecration, purification, learning and preparation.

No prophet came by himself, but each prophet was introduced or natured by another so that this man's prophetic is vindicated and is approved by God.

Moses, was prepared under Jethro who was a priest of God from median.Joshua, was prepared by Moses.Samuel, was prepared and natured by Eli.David, was natured by Samuel.John the baptist, was natured by his father Zachariah who himself was a prophet and a priest of God.
The Lord, Jesus was natured by God, his father and mother, the teachers of the word of God and he was introduced by John.

Why then does Muhammad poses out as a one man's army man? God respects the order of service which he has established himself so he can't take a man who is not concerted, trained in the word, unfamiliar with his covenant, his presence and his Devine purpose:But this is the typical nature of the false prophets.

They are self appointed, proclaimed, praised and self purposed.This is not how God works.
REPENT today and turn back to the truth you are going to be set free from these evil spirits which rises out of hell to defile and to exploit your souls.
God bless you and Jesus is Lord.

Am Apostle Nsibambi Asuman from Uganda East.WhatsApp:+256701223114

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