13 Jun

"Curiosity is a natural part inside all of us!"  

Curiosity is simply the desire for knowledge and that desire, always makes us to search the large and the thin: To scrutinize and to meditate.To speculate, to study, to read and to reason with others and in all that;there's always one goal inside us,achieving knowledge.

Man was not made with any material manual about himself, the creator or about creation save alone that the creator put this manual in the mind of men.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Every details about us and the planets they are imprinted inside us that's why we are able to discover a lot about ourselves, the creation and the creator and all this information or revelation always comes from within us. We search for the information whose source we are the ones!
All the scientific discoveries, they are from within the minds of men:

Every artificial thing on earthn;it's from the deeper eternity from within men's hearts and these things were born by curiosity. Everything we have made as the humans is a fruit of our minds and we are the fruits of the mind of God. Nonthig is self existent because only nonthig can come out of nonthig but something always have to come from something and the root of the entire existence of all is God.

When we came in the womb, we were alive but we were not conscious of ourselves, the world or anything because our natural faculties were under development. When we were born, we started to awake slowly by slowly until we fully became conscious of ourselves, our world and our parents. We grew and became conscious about the worlds, the pains, responsibility, purpose and the full picture of life. And uninterruptedly, we are supposed to continue growing in our consciousness of everything including our God and our Savior.

Because of sin and deception;that part called the conscience died and so we forgot everything about God, ourselves and the creation but curiosity is working hard in us to make us to stumble on the random fragments per adventure.
Curiosity triggers our attention and our thinking fuculties so that we are able to see the hidden side of the things visible. You can not know anything if you don't turn your attention to it to study it and learn it deeply.
When Moses saw the burning bush, the curiosity in him made him to draw close to see why the bush is burning but not consuming! In the end he saw God.

Exodus 3:3

So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.”[4]When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.”

John the revelator heard a voice behind him and he turned his attention to that voice by turning back to see who's calling him and lo, he saw the mystery Christ.

Revelation 1:10

On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet,[11]which said: “Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.”[12]I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands,

But the today's scientific world's consciousness of God, is totally dead that even when the things they can't explain comes, they don't pay attention because that inner curiosity is suffocated with the too much wrong information: When they see the lame walk, the deads rise and the Miracles happen which God allows to trigger their attention and curiosity to turn and look, their busy minds can not pick the frequencies. They provide every counter explanation for every phenomenon which happens in order to deny the fact that it was a spiritual phenomen.

But even in that fallen state when we had lost memory of our God, something was still awake in us and it knew somewhere above, there's a master of all creation.That's why the Godless men decided to build a tower that reaches to the sky with the hope to find God. Even until the birth and death and the resurrect of the Lord Jesus Christ Christ, men were curious about knowing God but there was no easy means even though the law was given.

The same curious humans asked Moses to let them at least to see and hear God themselves but even though God appeared on the mountain, they couldn't ascend to him due to the corrupt fallen human nature which indwelt them inherently. So, it's a bit hard to explain about God to men. 

It's hard to make some men to know that they are men and some women to know that they are women! All this because we have lost the consciousness of God and we are also loosing the consciousness of our own identity.
There a group of people who call themselves the zoophiles: They are some wonderful people who has forget their identity as the humans but they feel their sexual affection for their dogs and other animals and most of these people they don't believe there's a creator or they don't know so much about one. Then talk about the LBTQ people, they are among those wondering souls who are forgetting their own identities and it's because they forgot God willingly or unwillingly.

 There's no one among them who's a true follower of God or who wholly believes in God because you can't die when you find God.
There's a madness going on silently among men even though we are on the climax of all our wisdom, inventions and technological development. God's people sometimes seem to be less productive in the world because they see life a certain way:

There deals they won't grab. 

They will never sleep with the boss to have a big job

There contracts they won't sign

Places they won't go and things they won't do because of the awakening in their souls;because they have the ability to see the end of things at the beginning.
So it's really tiresome to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people who have already lost their own identities. If you can't convince them that they are men, how can you tell them that there's a God? But the moment they stop to prejudice about God by rendering their attention to the gospel, they recieve the understanding of the truth of eternity and it's only at that moment on their knees do people realise how lost they have been!

The science of the human consciousness is so deep because no one who's unconscious is aware of it even if you may try to convince them, you are always the bad phobic person. It's like trying to enter data into a powered off computer with the keyboard, it doesn't work.
And people being ignorant of God is no means that they are ignorant of the other things and the same things they know, are enough to veil their hearts from the entrance of the truth. As I asserted that the consciousness is a process from womb to the tomb. People can awake and carry a certain enlightment before they are fully awake to attain the consciousness of God or the awareness of God's existence and goodness.
For a soul made by God to not be aware of God is such a bad defect because it's like a child whose brains can't grow enough to attain the knowledge of their parents.

John 5:25

Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.

Jesus spoke those words pointing to the spiritual awakening which is going to take place in the souls men and they are going to rise out of the graves of their false enlightment. Because in all the darkness, the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ will always shine. It was for the world like this that Jesus Christ came to save that's why God is releasing the supernatural wisdom upon his servernts so that they can be able to preach the gospel to the degree that earth's wisdom won't defy.

 Men and women all over the world, there's a great awakening and it's high time for the dead souls to live again. Don't give up and don't give in, let's go preach the gospel. God loves us and he's with us and he's going to save his people from the lies of Satan and the world.

2 Corinthians 3:14

But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away.[16]But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.[17]Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.[18]And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Share the truth and God bless you.

Apostle Nsibambi Asuman 

Uganda East Africa 

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