We believe and we know that according to scripture, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ is the grand mandate God left to all his children:

Thus being the greatest mandate, no doubt it has to be the hardest most especially in the days like these when Satanism and all manners of moral decayisms are on the horizon. 

Yet this is when the church have to wake up and harvest the souls of men for Christ because we are at the varge of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ who wills that all men may be saved and come to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour. 

It's true we were not all gifted with that fire of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in the stadiums and spaces of influence. 

But if you feel led, we are welcoming all men who believes that they have that call from God for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and reaching out to the whole world with the gospel truth. 

You can register or send us a an email about yourself. 

Lets connect and build a strong international gospel preachers team ready for the masters business because that's the heart and the nature of the Rosys movement. 

We are connecting as the young generation under the purpose of heaven by uniting to do the will of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the Son of God. 

Started by Apostle Nsibambi Asuman from Uganda East Africa:

I Apostle Nsibambi Asuman, I was visited with the vision of the Lord where I saw about the coming evangelistic and revival movement among the young generation. 

It's no doubt we are in the days of revival and the Spirit of God is moving among the youths so I received the inspiration for starting this movement as we connect to this move. 

It's now high time, the worst have already happened and now it's the time for the people of God to rise and step into the dominion God alloted to us in the Scriptures and by his Holy Spirit. 

So I ask you ladies and gentlemen who hearts the Lord have moved to join me in every effort and let's be one as we go out turning the towns hell into the gardens of God. 

Lets go! 

Join The Rosys movement