"Church planting is a core thing in the Apostolic ministry right from the day the church of Christ was born: But discipleship is so profound in its nature and it's the the cause for church planting." 

Discipleship is done by the pastors, teachers, prophets and the apostle's often as we can see that Paul planted and Apollos natured or discipled and God gave the increase by his Spirit. 

So, that's the perttern of church ministry and it's why we believe in the fivefold ministries in the body of Christ. 

As we aim at the harvest of the souls of men, there's a need for the watching after those souls of men and it's the bad picture of our days when the church is becoming like a super market;where many are entering and others are exiting! 

All that because there's a great need for discipleship in our Christianity today because people needs to know the certainty of those things which they have been taught and have come to know of Christ so that they can be able to teach them to others. 

That's why among our so many goals, Fellowship Ministries and Church planting and discipleship are pivotal because without all that, the body of Christ is accomplishing nonthig. 

Remember we were sent out to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to disciple men teaching them everything that Christ have commanded us to do. 

Matthew 28:19-20

[19]Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

[20]and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The church is starving because the five fold ministries of the Spirit they have been paralysed by our theologies and personal doctrines which have left the body of Christ in such a weak fashion so that now the world is breaking into us because we lack the full spiritual teaching and the experience of the Word of God. 

So, Fellowship ministry is the way of extending the ministry of teaching and equipping the saints for the work of service to which they have been called by God. 

We have the dream for the world with the faith of starting ministries in all the countries of the world by the grace of God. 

So from wherever you are, we believe to work with the different organizations whose minds and purposes are those of the kingdom of God to see that we advance into the call of this great mandate which the Lord has called us to. 

We need your support, partnership and the right arm of fellowship so that together we can accomplish the same goal. 

We need men and women whose hearts are attuned to the frequency of this faith in God to be part of the ministry and together to do God's will. 

Learn more about the Apostolic Fellowship Ministries